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My Live-In Boyfriend Doesn’t Contribute Equally To Our Joint Expenses, And I’m Starting To Resent Him

My Live-In Boyfriend Doesn’t Contribute Equally To Our Joint Expenses, And I’m Starting To Resent Him

Living together with your boyfriend can be great – as long as you’re on the same page and willing to share financial responsibilities. It can be exciting to build a life as a couple: setting up a joint bank account, taking out credit cards together, and planning on how to save money in the future. But, as you well know, love, marriage and living together doesn’t mean a happy ending. This is the point in your life that you have to agree on how to share your finances in a fair and equitable way..

Facing Financial Struggles with Your Boyfriend It’s common for people to cohabitate in order to save money, but that shouldn’t be the primary reason you move in together. Moving in together should be a prelude to marriage – a trial run where you see how compatible you are under the same roof. And once you’re under that roof, questions will begin to arise. Do you split expenses down the middle? Does the person who makes more contribute more? Is that contribution based on gender roles or ability to pay?